

Dolores Yen
Department of Finance

Age: 21
Birthday: July 3
Height: 5'7"
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Outfit: Branded clothing that isn’t too flashy! She loves sweaters and plaid skirts in pinks and neutrals.
Favorite Thing about herself: “My bank balance, hehe!”

Dolores brings the fine in finance and the 'oooh' in bougie! Need some cash? She's got your back. If money makes the world go 'round, she's gravity itself. Currently taking up Management in Ateneo, she knows how to manage that cash. 

She loves study dates with her friends, clear notebooks, and journaling! You’ll often find her in a kissaten (*ehem* Starbs) in her free time with her pristine study notes and her MacBook which is probably running MS Excel. Also, she can never go to class without coffee! If she doesn’t get her coffee…. run. 

At first she may seem intimidating, serious, cold, and a bit snobby, but truthfully it’s because she has Accounting in her semester. She is as kind as she is rich in resources! 

